Wellness Center Central                          Sohail Eftekharzadeh, Program Director (714) 361-4860
401 S. Tustin Street # C Orange, CA 92866
2024 Clarvida | All right reserved
Wellness Center Central program is funded by the Orange County Health Care Agency.

Social Groups


Help to become a part of our community and the community at large by attending outings, participating in Friday night socials, learning life skills, and practicing job preparation.

Spiritual Groups

Spiritual Wellness involves groups that create insight, awareness, and growth of one’s personal self through the practices of meditation and enlightenment while practicing acceptance and understanding.​​

Physical Groups

Exercise is good for physical as well as general wellness. It stimulates brain chemicals that can produce feelings of well-being and relaxation. Groups range from education through nutrition and fitness challenges as well as low impact workouts to dance.​​

Emotional Groups

Our emotional wellness comes through creative expression, support, and building community.  Some of the groups  offered include a wide range of arts including jewelry, glass arts, floral design, and even written expression such as poetry and WRAP.

Wellness Center Central is committed to provide peer-to-peer support and community integration, offering an array of groups and resources to increase the wellness of the community of Orange County through four key areas.